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- Seeking your valued support
Seeking your valued support
Winning Bid!
Dear WWAF Supporter
The committee and I are heartened by the support we have seen over the long weekend with this last Festival. It has touched so many lives across all age groups and demographics.
The events were described by our audience attendees as world class and they were easily accessible. And this includes the remarkable fireworks displays which introduced many of the youth in the record-breaking crowds to hear Prokofiev, Orff, Handel and the mighty 1812 of Tchaikovsky for the first time.
The flash mob enticed choirs from around Victoria to sing in the freezing cold around the Mary Larnach Jones illuminated clock tower, late on the Saturday night. It was a moving and powerful experience; humanity united in song.
What is clear is that people of all ages crave music and of all eras and styles.
And that you all crave intelligent and honest discussions on the issues facing society.
And that you all love having an opportunity to mix, gather, unite and mingle.
WWAF is a not-for-profit arts charity and arts funding is becoming increasingly difficult, so we seek your support.
Please do make a tax deductible donation before the end of the year. And if you have spent all your goodies already, please do put us top of your list for this next financial year and make the donation on July 1st!
Yours, in service of the arts and artistic education.
Dr Jacqueline Ogeil
Founder & Artistic Director
Woodend Winter Arts Festival
Dr Jacqueline Ogeil (right) with violinist George Washingmachine
Silent Auction Winner
We thank Country House Woodend who donated this stunning Gabriella Possum artwork for our fundraising efforts. And Robert, who was the winning bidder.