Ignite the Winter Magic Early! Support Woodend Winter Arts Festival 2025

Joseph Tawadros Live in Woodend: Saturday 28th September

We're excited to invite you to a vibrant afternoon of art and music to support the 20th Woodend Winter Arts Festival in 2025.

Join us for a live performance by the talented Joseph Tawadros on September 28th at 1pm. We're thrilled to welcome eight-time ARIA Award winner back to Woodend! Challenging traditional musical forms, and pushing boundaries in metre and melody, this exciting program features original music by the acclaimed composer and oud virtuoso. His works take inspiration from the Arabic modal system (maqam) and blend them seamlessly with elements of western classical, jazz, world, folk, and even metal and bluegrass.

Joseph Tawadros Live
Sunday 28 September, 1pm – 2pm
St Ambrose Church, Woodend

But that's not all!  We are also launching a fundraising auction for a breathtaking original artwork by Marlene Young Nungurrayi, generously donated by Woodend Country House. Marlene’s painting, Women’s Dreaming depicts the Tingari journey path of Kungka Kutjara, the travelling Ancestor women, and their travels to the site of Munni Munni, to the south-east of Kintore. “There are no roads there – just desert country.” Marlene’s Dreamings include body paint designs and other aspects associated with Minyma Tjukurrpa – the women’s Creation stories.

Women’s Dreaming, 2009
Marlene Young Nungarrayi
120x 50cm
Acrylic on Linen

Don't miss your chance to own this masterpiece! The online auction is open now, with the winning bid announced at our concert on Sunday 28th September. Bidding closes on September 28th at 12pm sharp.

Proceeds from both the concert and the auction will go towards creating an extraordinary winter festival for the entire community.

With your support we can make next year’s festival truly unforgettable as we celebrate two decades of the Woodend Winter Arts Festival!

 Warm regards,

The Woodend Winter Arts Festival Team

Even if you can't join us in person, your support is invaluable. Donate here today to help make our 20th Woodend Winter Arts Festival the best year yet.

The Woodend Winter Arts Festival is a registered charity. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. Donate here or visit our website for more information on how to donate.